In the process of authoring computer software, its standards or documentation, deprecation is a status applied to software features to indicate that they should be avoided, typically because they have been superseded. 4. nov. 2020 www. little-petals. ch, originelle geschenke für glückliche babys und eltern. www. 9months. ch, härzige babygeschenke / bezaubernde outfits für babys bis 1 jahr in zürich, Über 70'000 artikel auf 2500 m2 ladenfläc. Word origin early 17th century (in the sense ‘pray against’): from latin deprecat‘prayed against (as being evil)’, from the verb deprecari, from de(expressing reversal) + precari ‘pray’. In a sense development still occasionally criticized, deprecatehas come to be synonymous with the similar but etymologically unrelated word depreciatein the sense “belittle”: he deprecated the importance of his work.
A program element annotated @deprecated is one that programmers are discouraged from using, typically because it is dangerous, or because a better . Deprecated means, generally, that something is acknowledged but discouraged. in it, deprecation means that although something is available or allowed, it is .
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In the world of software development, "deprecated" refers to functions or elements that are in the process of being replaced by newer ones. the term comes from the word "deprecate," which means to disapprove of something. while deprecated items may work in the current version of a programming language, they may not function in future updates. Und: falls das baby schon geschwister hat, unbedingt auch die mit etwas kleinem beschenken. seifenblasen aus dem coop/migros zum beispiel kosten 80 rappen und machen jedem kind spass. 10 geschenkideen zur geburt. für mich nach wie vor das allerbeste geschenk überhaupt: essen. 3 : to withdraw official support for or discourage the use of (something, such as a software product) in favor of a newer or better deprecated alternative the google drive app for pc and mac is officially being deprecated and the company's developers announced in a blog post that it will no longer be supported starting december 11.

In general english usage, the infinitive "to deprecate" means "to express disapproval of (something)". it derives from the latin verb deprecare, meaning "to ward off .
See more videos for deprecated. Adjectiveedit · strongly disapproved of. quotations ▽. 1926, h. w. fowler, a dictionary of modern english usage page 679: · belittled; insulted. · (computing) said . Past tense of deprecate synonyms & antonyms of deprecated 1 to express scornfully one's low opinion of movie critics tried to outdo one another in deprecating the comedy as the stupidest movie of the year. Deprecated in english, many past and present participles of verbs can be used as adjectives. some of these examples may show the adjective use. rather, they were a rehabilitation of logic and -calculus, deprecated by traditional mathematicians.
See synonyms for: deprecate / deprecated / deprecating on thesaurus. com verb (used with object), dep·re·cat·ed, dep·re·cat·ing. to express earnest disapproval of. to urge reasons against; protest against (a scheme, purpose, etc. ). Derivatives.
Deprecated Synonyms Deprecated Antonyms Merriamwebster
Powered by oxford dictionaries. Define deprecate. deprecate synonyms, deprecate pronunciation, deprecate translation, english dictionary definition of deprecate. express disapproval of; .
Baby-walz bietet mit über 30. 000 hochwertigen babyartikeln und umstandsmode alles für mütter & babys. babyausstattung mit service zum kleinen preis!. In several fields, deprecation is the discouragement of use of some terminology, feature, design, or practice, typically because it has been superseded or is no longer considered efficient or safe, without completely removing it or prohibiting its use. To express earnest disapproval of. · to urge reasons against; protest against (a scheme, purpose, etc. ). · to depreciate; belittle.
Feb 25, 2011 deprecated. in the world of software development, "deprecated" refers to functions or elements that are in the process of being replaced by . Im baby-secondhand-laden und shop-in-shop wir haben ein breites sortiment an baby, umstandsund stillkleider an der nordstrasse 108 in 8037 zürich. wir stellen dir gerne kostenfrei ein starterset zusammen, alles was es für die ersten zwei wochen mit baby zuhause so braucht. Scrabble points: 14.
5 days ago to not approve of something or say that you do not approve of something: we deprecate this use of company funds for political purposes. smart . Deprecate definition is to express disapproval of. how to use deprecate in a sentence. In a sense development still occasionally criticized, deprecate has come to be synonymous with the similar but etymologically unrelated word depreciate in the sense “belittle”: he deprecated the importance of his work. Sie kostenlos die geile private deutsch deprecated sexgeschichten. porno geschichten sind jetzt auf dieser seite. lesen sie die wunderbaren erotischen sex geschichten.

Verb. Deprecate · 1. to express disapproval deprecated of; protest against · 2. to depreciate (a person, someone's character, etc); belittle · 3. archaic to try to ward off by prayer.